In Love With Earth

Monte Boglia

A breathtaking panoramic view of Lugano lake

Jun 05, 2022
Brè sopra Lugano, Ticino, Switzerland
Sunny, cloudy and misty
Min 19°C, Max 25°C

The hike

From Lugano centre (pensilina) I got the bus 12 direction Bré Paese at 09:15. Few stops later, V. joined me.

In the early morning V. did an eye check to the sky and it was completely clear. Even though the weather forecast said that possible heavy rain events could occur during the morning, conscious that the weather on the mountains could change quickly and that violent thunderstorms were expected about at 15:45, we decided to hike anyway.

We reached the village of Bré at about 09:45. The trail starts a few metres away from the bus stop and is marked with the yellow signs.

There are two trails to Monte Boglia: one steep and short, one with a low and steady incline but longer. We chose the second option because it is easy to walk (in case we had to go back due rain) and because it has fountains to refill our water bottle.

We began the hike with the sun. While walking some clouds came into the sky. Still nothing to worry about. After about two hours, we reached the top of Monte Boglia. Even if the clouds and the mist took the place of the sun, the view was breathtaking.

The view from the top of Monte Boglia
The view from the top of Monte Boglia
Denti della Vecchia from the top of Monte Boglia
Denti della Vecchia from the top of Monte Boglia

We took some photos, played with the drone for a while and finally we had our deserved lunch. We stayed on the top for almost an hour and half.

Monte Boglia aerial view
Monte Boglia aerial view

To make the experience even more pleasant, V. played her Tibetan bowl. To give you an idea, have a look at the video below.

We felt the air was changing, we smelled the storm. We began the descent. The clouds in the sky started to be darker. We reached the village of Brè and we decided to chill out at Salotto Brè. Like in a movie, in the exact moment we entered the osteria the storm hitted with all her violence. We spent the next hour looking out the window sipping our drink. We were lucky that the storm allowed us to reach a roof before it hit 😌


Departure BrèArrival Brè
9.5 Km